Avançar para o Conteúdo.


[NEW] 21th July 2023: final deadline for submission of presentations, panels and roundtable proposals – abstract with a maximum of 2,500 characters
[NEW] 28th July 2023: authors’ notification, including those who do not wish to publish their paper
26-27th October: the conference takes place
15th November 2023: submission of full papers for the double-blind peer review process
31st January 2024: notification of authors for final revision of papers
28th February 2024: final version paper submission
The publication of the selected papers will be done in the form of online proceedings with ISBN. A maximum of 2 papers per author will be accepted, either individually or in group.
Further information and submission of abstracts through the e-mail: cile@ipb.pt
Webpage of the event: http://cile.ipb.pt/
The conference will only be held onsite.

Registration (including welcome kit and coffee-breaks):

Bank transfer to: IBAN PT50 0781 0112 00000007883 90